The Dinosaur Feather: A quick quiz

To write a book about dinosaurs is a lot of work. You have to research what they looked like, how they acted, where they lived and why all this was so.

Why not have a go at this quick quiz to see how much you know about the amazing feathered dinosaurs featured in Robert Irwin: Dinosaur Hunter 4! Answers at the bottom!


1. Which of the following dinosaurs did NOT have any feathers?
A: Yutyrannus
B: Tyrannosaurus
C: Velociraptor
D: Stegosaurus

2. Why did many theropod dinosaurs develop feathers?
A: For warmth
B: To look attractive
C: To help some of them fly
D: For camoflague

3. Approximately how many species of dinosaurs have had fossils unearthed that show their feathers?
A: 30
B: 4
C: 0
D: 95

4. Besides feathers, many dinosaurs shared which of the following traits with birds?
A: Hollow bones
B: They laid eggs
C: They built nests
D: They had toothless beaks


ANSWERS: 1=D Velociraptor and tyrannosaurus are known to have feathers on at least part of their bodies or when young. Yutyrannus (the star of the book) was covered in feathers, some 20cm long. 2=A&B The flying reptiles that lived at the time of the dinosaurs were not dinosaurs. It is possible that some dinos did develop limited flight later in history as dinosaurs evolved into birds. 3=A But these discoveries inform palaeontologists of which other dinosaurs probably had feathers too. 4=All of the above! Dinosaurs shared many behavioural and physical links with modern birds which isn’t surprising as birds evolved from them!

What do you think about this?